:Rusal GuineaGuinea Bauxite · Russian aluminium giant Rusal, whose global operations have been hobbled by the war in Ukraine, has exported its first bauxite shipment from its mines in
:Rusal GuineaGuinea Bauxite Production · The metallurgical grade bauxite resources in Guinea is estimated to be about 40 billion tons and thus occupies the top position in the world. Guinea’s bauxite industry is flourishing on the back of major
Rusal begins bauxite exports from Dian-Dian deposit in Guinea
June 22, 2018. Russian aluminium producer Rusal has started exporting ore from the Dian-Dian bauxite deposit in Guinea, despite the presence of US sanctions on the company due to Russian involvement in Crimea, Syria and Ukraine. The company also completed the first stage of development of the Dian-Dian deposit, which involved the commissioning
Russian aluminium giant says could recall personnel from Guinea if crisis worsens | Reuters
MOSCOW, Sept 6 (Reuters)-Russia's Rusal (RUAL.MM), said on Monday it aimed to keep its three major bauxite mines and one alumina refinery in Guinea operating after the military coup there, but
· >>> A LIRE – La bauxite de Guinée va-t-elle faire les frais des sanctions américaines contre Rusal ? Alors que le groupe russe Rusal a racheté l’usine en 2006 pour 21 millions de dollars
· COBAD produced 3.59 million tonnes of bauxite last year, while Rusal’s other Guinea operation, Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia, produced 2.65 million tonnes, according to the mines ministry.
· Rusal: Reaches Bauxite, Infrastructure Deals With Guinea Jun 17, 2010 09:13 Source: SMM LONDON, June 17 -- Russian aluminum producer United Co. Rusal PLC (0486.HK) Tuesday said it reached a verbal
Los trabajadores de la mina de bauxita de Rusal en Guinea van a
Los trabajadores de la mina de bauxita de Rusal en Guinea van a la huelga. 26 de mayo 2022 a las 16:13. Comparte. Los trabajadores de la filial guineana del gigante ruso del aluminio Rusal, Compagnie des Bauxites de Dian Dian (COBAD), se declararon en huelga el jueves, según declaró un dirigente sindical a Reuters.
Compagnie des bauxites de Guinée — Wikipédia
La Compagnie des bauxites de Guinée (CBG) est une entreprise guinéenne du secteur minier. Depuis 1963, elle exploite l'important gisement de bauxite de Sangarédi, dans la région de Boké, en
· The West African nation’s bauxite production rose over 19% year-on-year in 2023 to about 123 million metric tons, while exports jumped 24.5% to 127 million tons in the same period, mines
· UC RUSAL, a leading global aluminium producer, has announced the completion of the first stage of development of the Dian-Dian bauxite deposit in Guinea and the commencement of ore export shipments. During this first stage, RUSAL has commissioned a mine with an annual capacity of 3 Mt of bauxite and has built the entire
· En Guinée, RUSAL possède la Compagnie des bauxites de Kindia (CBK), ainsi que le complexe de bauxite et d’alumine Friguia. En outre, RUSAL continue à réaliser un projet d’exploitation du plus grand gisement de bauxite dans le monde Dian-Dian dans la région de Boké.
· RUSAL Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report. Moscow, 17 May 2024 – RUSAL, one of the world's largest aluminium producers, has published its 2023 Sustainability Report. The report addresses the Company’s key achievements with regard to environmental protection, energy efficiency, and overcoming challenges associated with
· Rusal a annoncé le démarrage du projet minier de Dian-Dian en Guinée, le plus important gisement de bauxite au monde. Le groupe russe va investir 220 millions de dollars durant la première
· JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-Russian aluminium giant Rusal, whose global operations have been hobbled by the war in Ukraine, has exported its first bauxite shipment from its mines in Guinea in nearly a month, an analysis of shipping data showed on Wednesday. Unlike a number of other Russian companies, Rusal is not the target of
· The remaining 20–25% of Guinea’s bauxite industry prior to 2016 was controlled by Russia’s RUSAL, operating three wholly owned subsidiaries. Large-scale growth began in 2015 (primarily) by expanding existing concessions and granting new concessions, with new mining operations coming on line in 2016.
Guinée-COBAD, Compagnie des Bauxites de Dian-Dian, Rusal,
Documents Connexes. COBAD, Compagnie des Bauxites de Dian-Dian, Rusal, Accord de Concession, 2001 (Contrat Principal) COBAD, Compagnie des Bauxites de Dian-Dian, Accord de Concession, Annexe au Contrat, 2012. COBAD, Compagnie des Bauxites de Dian Dian, Rusal, Avenant au Contrat, 2017. United Company RUSAL Trading House,
· Ce projet répond à l’insistance du gouvernement guinéen, qui appelle depuis 2021 les producteurs de bauxite actifs sur son territoire, à transformer localement le minerai d’aluminium. Pour l’instant, une seule usine y est en activité, la raffinerie Friguia du géant russe de l'aluminium Rusal.
· Russian aluminium giant Rusal, whose global operations have been hobbled by the war in Ukraine, has exported its first bauxite shipment from its mines in Guinea in nearly a month, an analysis
· Guinea is vital for Rusal as the country accounts for 27 percent of the company's production of bauxite, the ore that is refined into alumina and ultimately smelted into aluminium. Sign up here.
· Rusal's Dian-Dian mines in Guinea, which have historically supplied bauxite to its Aughinish refinery in Ireland, last shipped ore on March 12, according to an analysis of Refinitiv shipping data.
· Rusal’s Kindia operations – its other Guinea bauxite mines – last exported on Feb. 26. Rusal had previously said it planned to resume exports from Dian-Dian by the end of March.
Strike at Rusal’s Guinea Bauxite Mine Ends as Agreement Reached
June 6, 2022 at 6:30 AM PDT. This article is for subscribers only. Striking employees at United Co Rusal International’s bauxite mine in Guinea have resumed their duties after reaching an
· Rusal's Dian-Dian mines in Guinea, which have historically supplied bauxite to its Aughinish refinery in Ireland, last shipped ore on March 12, according to an analysis of Refinitiv shipping data. Its Kindia operations,
:Rusal GuineaGuinea Bauxite · Guinea’s production and export of bauxite increased in 2023 for a third year in a row, according to new government data and a senior mines ministry official.
· Rusal, which owns the Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK) in Guinea, did not immediately respond to questions on whether its operations had been disrupted. For a graphic on Guinea's bauxite
Rusal calls strike at Guinea bauxite mine 'illegal'
CONAKRY, May 26 (Reuters)-Workers at Russian aluminum giant Rusal's Guinea bauxite mine Compagnie des Bauxites de Dian Dian went on strike on Thursday, a union leader told Reuters, in a move Rusal said was illegal. A worker told Reuters production at COBAD had stopped due to the strike. Rusal did not respond to a request for comment on
:Rusal GuineaGuinea BauxiteRusal, Guinea Sign Bauxite/Alumina Production
Russian aluminum producer Rusal and the Republic of Guinea have signed agreements that will allow Rusal to restart currently suspended production at the Friguia bauxite/alumina complex and initiate mining of the Dian
Le raffinage de la bauxite en Guinée : Quels défis et enjeux pour
un acteur incontournable dans ces tensions géopolitiques. La Guinée fournie 70% de la bauxite de RUSAL utilisée dans ces raffineries de Nikolaev et d’Aughinish.8 Elle assure également 57% des besoins de la Chine en bauxite.9 La bauxite est
Deux entreprises de RUSAL en Guinée deviennent des lauréats de prix Guinea Best Company Awards
Conakry, le 7 Décembre 2021 – RUSAL, l’un des plus grands producteurs mondiaux d’aluminium, annonce la remise aux responsables des sociétés Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK) et Complexe de bauxite et d’alumine Friguia (les filiales de la société Unie RUSAL) des trophées Guinea Best Company Awards pour l’année 2021. La Compagnie